Our Services

We have comprehensive Policies and Procedures which safeguard young people and staff at all times. These are updated on an on-going basis to reflect any changes in legislation, best practice, and/or if we discover an even better way of doing things that will help the young people and staff.  

We provide a selection of accommodation types – some shared, some stand alone and some 24 hour units. This ensures that the right support can be given based on the young person’s needs.  

All accommodation types are fully furnished and come with a WELCOME pack for the young people which includes bedding, cutlery and essential cookware to assist them straight away as they embark on independent living.

We provide individual one to one support according to the needs of the young person.  This is not static and can be reduced or increased as required.

Key Work is monitored to ensure the right support and right amount of support is given with any recommendations we may observe and backed up with regular written reports.

All our Key Workers are experienced in the Care Sector and have either attained or are working towards NVQ Level 3 or higher qualification.

Our team aims to provide the highest standard of care and we recognise to do this we need the right people working with us. Staff are supported and enabled so that they can achieve their best. Our team is a mix of personal qualities, experience, skills and knowledge. 

Each member of the team is recruited with care, using a clear and thorough selection process and vetting procedures designed to protect our young people and ensure the team has appropriate competencies.

Our Experience

Our Team has a wealth of knowledge and experience with: 


We fully appreciate the importance of making unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) feel safe and protected in their new home and local area whilst respecting their cultural needs and beliefs.

Alcohol & Drug misuse

Young people are at risk of exposure to drugs and alcohol in all walks of life and we recognise this requires support. We do NOT allow alcohol or drugs in our homes, but instead we offer support and advice to those that have challenges in this area.

Mental Health

We recognise the increase in young people whose lives are affected by mental health issues. We ensure our key workers have the skills to identify warning signs of a deterioration in mental health and the abilities to support the young people in their recovery.

Offending Behaviour

We believe that every young person has the capability to make positive changes in their life, regardless of their history. With the right guidance and support this transition can be completed with more ease than without support.

CSE / Trafficking/ Radicalisation

We recognise that young people are at risk from or have been exposed to exploitation, trafficking or radicalisation. Our team are trained to identify the signs and engage with the appropriate agencies to support the young people to access services to help them through these traumatic experiences.

We promote honest and open relationships because we believe this fosters integrity and respect. We are always aware that young people can have troubled back grounds and aim to empathise and understand how they feel.

Actively listening more than we talk ensures we get a firm grasp of the issues and needs of the young people which will then result in more relevant and productive key work sessions.

Get Involved!

At Be Patient Always (BPA) we strongly believe in the importance of social participation and involvement. We want to raise awareness on the problems and issues that young people face in every day life.

What better way to do this, than by involving the community in what we do! You can help us change the lives of children and young people as a volunteer for which we will provide appropriate training.

If you are interested in helping as a volunteer, please complete the form.

We welcome all enquiries! Contact us and a member of our team will be in touch. So that we can process your enquiry effectively, you will need to complete all the information in the contact sheet.



So that we know the best areas to consider you for - we support young people all over the UK.
So that we can contact you
So that we can contact you quickly if a suitable opportunity suddenly presents itself.
So that we know what opportunity you are querying.